Do you believe in kismet? I do. Or maybe it's just the way things come together in unexpected ways. Over a year ago, I heard about the Humans of Tel Aviv, the project of photographer Erez Kaganovitz and that, further, he had another project called Humans of the Holocaust, in which Erez took photographs of Holocaust Survivors in ways that really represented the personality of each person. Excited, I emailed Erez. Then I forgot all about it. Almost a year passed. Then, the phone rang. It was Erez. He had seen something on social media about The True Adventures of Gidon Lev and it rang a bell - he searched through his old emails and found my message to him. Did Gidon want to meet up with Erez to get his photograph taken?
The rest is history. Gidon's photograph and an accompanying story will travel with Erez's next exhibition, slated to be in Palm Beach, Florida in early 2021, and in Dubai later that year. Kismet, luck, reaching out, whatever you want to call it, these photographs capture Gidon so beautifully!